
Alpas is a simple search app that returns projects from Behance together with their Figma prototype. As a front-end developer practicing proper design-to-code implementation, looking for good assets is a must to showcase your ability to create stunning and beautiful web apps. While there are various websites that may offer figma prototypes, such as Figma Community, there is no bigger source than Behance. Behance is the go-to platform of designers for displaying their designs. There is currently no filter for Figma prototype in Behance, so this small problem can be patched by Alpas.

Alpas - a Filipino word that means "to break free".

Hopefully, you will find Alpas useful during your web designing/development. Feel free to share ideas and suggestion for Alpas. You can contact me via the channels I provided in the footer. Thank you, have fun designing!

- Alec


A search engine that scrapes Behance for Figma prototypes. Created for faster and easier designs and assets reference.

Built by Alec Blance